Study our Bible course and learn.We have a training Bible course that can help you grow as a preacher and as a Bible student. This course has three levels. After finishing a level, you'll get a certificate of completion. The levels begin with beginner, then intermediate, then advanced. These study courses are fun and allow you to save your content for future use/access. If you want to advance as a Bible student, I highly recommend taking this course.
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Helpful Bible study aidsFor sermon idea's and for personal growth/grounding.
Here are helpful Bible links to study as a preacher and Bible student. WVBS has videos to help with essential study concepts (baptism, Bible authority, church worship, etc.) that can help you in your personal study.
Executable outlines has sermon outlines for study and for personal use. I recommend looking at this site to learn how to formulate outline sermons. The website is called "Bible study guide." This platform is a great resource site for sermon preparation. The site has free concordances, dictionaries, commentaries, Bible lessons, topical study themes and more. Apologetic press has helpful free articles on creationism, sciences, archaeology, prophecy, atheism, etc. As well as other Bible themes. Note: Apologetic press also has high quality videos on these topic's as well. David Padfield: is a faithful preacher of the Word. He has made an exceptional website. This website has free Bible study eBooks lessons, debates, tracts, articles, sermons, to use. David has on his site, a detailed "Preacher Training" PDF book. Gene Taylor: is a author/writer of Bible lesson books. This man is a scholar, teacher and preacher. His material is worth checking out. Gene has high quality, free Bible class lesson books. The content can be accessed, downloaded at the following site. It is always good to make one's own sermons, yet if you want to learn from other faithful church of Christ preachers, (in different outline styles and audio deliveries) I recommend this site. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Looking for Bible lessons and study books? Here are some trustworthy bookstores that have quality Bible content. Give these sites a visit. These stores have a wide variety of useful Bible study aids.
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