What a Preacher must be in the field of preaching and ministry
A Preacher needs to be following the commands of God. If he is to have any credibility in his life and sermons. No one listens to a hypocrite.
A preacher needs to...
1. A preacher needs to prepare sermons, this requires study, sermon creation, practice and the actual delivery to the audience. (See other pages on this site for more details on sermon prep). A preacher needs to have the whole message/ counsel of God declared to the saints, not just the parts he likes, (Acts 20:27 /2 Timothy 4:17). He should not water down the gospel, change the gospel, ignore certain aspects of the gospel. He needs to preach the whole truth. Not parts of it.
Certain speaking styles, like narrative preaching, (alone) make it hard to talk on doctrinal truths. Nothing wrong with narratives, Christ used them, but he also spoke plainly about moral themes and doctrinal elements. A well balanced preacher will speak in different formats. Expository, Textual, Topical, Narrative. For details on these formats see the page, "Sermon Craft."
In the preacher's work and in his life, he needs to be prayerful, (Colossians 4:2). A preacher needs to be prayerful in His Bible studies. For he will have to give an account before God, on what he teaches, (James 3:1). In his sermons preparation and in his personal study he must be diligent in study, so as to be approved of God. He must study to handle the precious truth correctly, (2 Timothy 2:15).
A preacher must be honest (Revelation 21:8) and fervent (Romans 12:11) in sermon delivery.
A preacher must be willing to rebuke, correct and take time to personally train others, (2 Timothy 3:16-17) and to tell the elders' of church the needs of Bible based discipline, (1 Corinthians 5:1-12).
2. A preacher needs to find quality lesson materials to teach or personally prepare Bible lesson content. It is a disservice to talk on a topic and have no interactive Bible resources for the saint to study before class. When the saint has nothing to take home and has nothing to look at as a aid for the content being presented, it limits the preachers effectiveness. Yes I know, making Bible lessons is a long process. But it's part of the job of a preacher.
3. A preacher needs to write a weekly bulletin. I like using Canva, (www.canva.com). This site has graphics', templates, pictures, etc. It's free. On Canva you can find bulletin templates (under "Newsletter") and create them according to your wants. Then download the template. You can use that template for writing bulletins each week. If you don't like this site, there are plenty of bulletin templates online to pick from.
4. A preacher needs to be able to baptize the lost. If you've never baptized someone before, watch this YouTube video on how to baptize,
see video www.youtube.com/watch?v=63EWsIig1TU
5. A preacher needs to be able to marry others. He needs to make sure he is legal. Different states have different requirements. See link https://getordained.org/state-marriage-laws.
This site provides helpful info. Of course, it goes without saying, I don't endorse all the details of the link mentioned.
A marriage ceremony sermon should not be longer then 20 minutes. Some couples may want a even shorter one. Like any sermon, gear the marriage sermon around the Bible. Also focus on the ceremonial themes you are to speak on during this occasion. Talk about the couple, about their love, any stories they don't mind sharing, etc. Make the main focus and core speech about what the Bible says on marriage, love, sex, commitment, etc.
A good site on the steps for conducting a marriage ceremony can be found below. I have a slight disagreement with the 2 step. Certain things a preacher must not do, even if the cultural beliefs of the couple stipulate otherwise. This site will also show you how to legally marry people.
Here are sermons (for gathering ideas') from faithful gospel preachers on weddings.
6. A preacher needs to be able to make a "sermon" funeral address. This details the man's life, who he was, where he was born, who he married, his family/children, his job and his friends. It will share some uplifting stories.
The funeral will share what the man did, in the context of the good he did. A funeral address will speak what the Bible says on life and death in matters of eternity. Like most church sermons, today, the time for a eulogy is geared for around 20 minutes. A good funeral address will mention the cross and close with the plan of salvation. A prayer can follow this. Then an invite can be given to people to come up, (if anyone is interested/inclined), to share stories or positive facts about the deceased.
See this site for the steps of a funeral service.
Here are sermons (for gathering ideas') from faithful gospel preachers on funerals.
7. A preacher needs to visit those in the church, who are sick and hospitalized. He needs to visit the elderly, the spiritually weak (Matthew 25:31-46). He needs to visit those who are not coming to church or those who have fallen away. Also, he should come over to see those who have visited the church.
How to do this: you call, ask if you can come over. If they say yes, you come. You can bring a card, flowers, some cookies, etc. depending on the context of the visit and the occasion. You don't have to stay too long. The point is to visit them and let them know you care. A visit and a talk can go a long way to encourage others.
8. A preacher should write others. He should encourage the church members to do this as well. A preacher should write cards and notes to the sick, the visitors, the discouraged, the spiritually weak and to those who have recently fallen away. (1 Thessalonians 5:11).
9. A preacher should be there when the church has a work day. As well as other church related actives. If elders are behind an effort the preacher should support their efforts. If a saint is doing work to benefit the church, as a leader and example, he should be there, (if possible) for moral support. If a member is having a singing, or having a group to visit the elderly, etc, as a leader/example, he should support God's people. When a preacher is missing during VBS, or at a potluck, or at a door knocking event for a gospel meeting, it says to the elders and to the church, he's not really invested emotionally in God's work or in "us." Obviously, a preacher can't be there for everyone, for every activity, all the time, but his attitude/heart needs to be focused on supporting, God's people, the spiritual leadership and the church.
10. A preacher must not seek power, practice politics or undermine others due to self interested aims and ambitions, (Philippians 2:3).
Such a person will end up undermining church work and God's people. And in the end may very well cause a division. A Christian preacher needs to be selfless in his leadership work, (in his pursuit of the gospel). Territorial behavior has no place in the house of God. Preachers should not let greed, fear, worry, or their personal doubts and insecurities, cause them to view a talented church member as a threat. I've seen this to often in the congregations of the Lord. When a preacher undermines a saint, simply because he thinks, the church member is "stealing his thunder" or "spotlight" that preacher is setting the wrong example. Leaders are supposed to mentor and nurture God's people, not undermine them.
11. A preacher should be at the building to open it and close it for worship services. He should be the first one people see. He should be the one people see when they arrive. He should be helping the elderly, greeting visitors, holding the door open and shaking hands. He should be one of the first to arrive and one of the last to leave. When a preacher is the last to arrive, right before church starts and is the first to go, it sends a signal to the congregation of his emotional investment level and interest. When the preacher is one of the first to arrive and last to go, it sends the opposite message. If a preacher is excited to be at the house of the Lord, he will not be the last to arrive on Sunday. A person's attitude is reflected by his attendance and when he attends. If the preacher is one of the first to run out the door on Sunday, how invested is he in the church famly he's apart of?
12. A preacher should be doing Bible studies at his house or another's home. This is useful in grounding the saints and in saving souls. Also, to help the young people of the church, a preacher should focus on singing's and short devotionals with the youth of that church.
Besides this, a preacher should focus on doing (general) hospitality. This is important, (1 Peter 4:9). Having a family over to the house after church for a meal or inviting a couple out to eat with you, builds bonds of affection.
13. As exemplars of Jesus and of trying to follow His Word: we need to do outreach, (Matthew 28:18-20). A preacher should be finding ways to grow the local and universal church. He should look for ways to reach the lost. This is what NT preachers did. And is what we must do too.
Evangelism ideas'...
Contacting visitors who are at church, invite them to a home cooked meal with family and a Bible study.
There is a wide range of methods to reach the lost: going door knocking, doing overseas work, working at "Street Preaching," learning "Friendship Evangelism" and more...
You can start promoting the truth online in Media/Social Media through Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.
Try different stuff. Find your niche. Find ways and methods that can reach others for the Lord in His work of helping the lost, (Jude 23).
14. A preacher needs to be open to constructive criticism and willing to take BIBLE advise, (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
15. A preacher needs to be willing to help and support the new convert spiritually. If a new Sister in Christ is sick, he needs to call her.
If she is in the hospital, he needs to visit. If she misses church, he needs to write her.
If the new convert, can't get a ride to church and her car is broken down, he needs to be willing to pick her up.
The preacher needs to study with the new Sister and ground her in the Word of God, (Hebrews 6:10).
I once knew of a preacher who called up a poor new convert with disabilities and told her to not come back. And forbade other Christians from bringing her to church. A preacher should be a person of compassion, love and have a selfless interest in others. (Ephesians 4:32).
16. A preacher needs to watch out for false teachers, preachers, brothers, who want to pervert the truth, (Acts 20:28-30). He must reprove false doctrine, but do this with love (Ephesians 4:14-15). A preacher must have zero tolerance for err, (Titus 1:13-14). If a false teacher refuses to stop speaking error and is trying to undermine the church and the saints, the faithful gospel preacher, must warn others of this (unrepentant) person, (2 Timothy 2:16-18).
The eldership needs to be notified and steps need to be taken to remove the false teacher from the body of Christ. The false brother must be disfellowshipped, (1 Corinthians 5:1-13). The more time passes the more the false teacher can influence members of the church towards his teachings and towards his favor. This process of removal must be done carefully, thoughtfully and quickly.
A preacher must hate evil, (Romans 12:9) and love the Word dearly, (Psalms 119:97). If he does, when the truth is defiled, (by false teaching) it will personally/emotionally hurt the godly man. The preacher must deal with such sins, in love. But he must take such sins seriously as well.
The faithful Bible preacher must not associate with brethren who teach error, (Romans 16:17-19). He must teach the saints to do this Bible command, too,
Note, when I say "false teachers," I am not talking about some ignorant thing a person says in Bible class or a "faux pas" a teacher might say, by mistake. I'm talking about deliberate, deceitful, habitual behavior a person does to undermine the truth.
17. A preacher needs to respect and submit to the local church leadership he is under. He needs to follow the eldership in the leadership decisions they make. He can't sneak around and try to undermine them, behind their backs. A preacher should not ignore their leadership and guidance, (Hebrews 13:17). It is our duty to treat such men with honor,
Note: I am not talking about elders who support false doctrine or evil behavior, but even in this, the matter should be up front and dealt with openly and maturely. Not with duplicitous behavior.
Certain speaking styles, like narrative preaching, (alone) make it hard to talk on doctrinal truths. Nothing wrong with narratives, Christ used them, but he also spoke plainly about moral themes and doctrinal elements. A well balanced preacher will speak in different formats. Expository, Textual, Topical, Narrative. For details on these formats see the page, "Sermon Craft."
In the preacher's work and in his life, he needs to be prayerful, (Colossians 4:2). A preacher needs to be prayerful in His Bible studies. For he will have to give an account before God, on what he teaches, (James 3:1). In his sermons preparation and in his personal study he must be diligent in study, so as to be approved of God. He must study to handle the precious truth correctly, (2 Timothy 2:15).
A preacher must be honest (Revelation 21:8) and fervent (Romans 12:11) in sermon delivery.
A preacher must be willing to rebuke, correct and take time to personally train others, (2 Timothy 3:16-17) and to tell the elders' of church the needs of Bible based discipline, (1 Corinthians 5:1-12).
2. A preacher needs to find quality lesson materials to teach or personally prepare Bible lesson content. It is a disservice to talk on a topic and have no interactive Bible resources for the saint to study before class. When the saint has nothing to take home and has nothing to look at as a aid for the content being presented, it limits the preachers effectiveness. Yes I know, making Bible lessons is a long process. But it's part of the job of a preacher.
3. A preacher needs to write a weekly bulletin. I like using Canva, (www.canva.com). This site has graphics', templates, pictures, etc. It's free. On Canva you can find bulletin templates (under "Newsletter") and create them according to your wants. Then download the template. You can use that template for writing bulletins each week. If you don't like this site, there are plenty of bulletin templates online to pick from.
4. A preacher needs to be able to baptize the lost. If you've never baptized someone before, watch this YouTube video on how to baptize,
see video www.youtube.com/watch?v=63EWsIig1TU
5. A preacher needs to be able to marry others. He needs to make sure he is legal. Different states have different requirements. See link https://getordained.org/state-marriage-laws.
This site provides helpful info. Of course, it goes without saying, I don't endorse all the details of the link mentioned.
A marriage ceremony sermon should not be longer then 20 minutes. Some couples may want a even shorter one. Like any sermon, gear the marriage sermon around the Bible. Also focus on the ceremonial themes you are to speak on during this occasion. Talk about the couple, about their love, any stories they don't mind sharing, etc. Make the main focus and core speech about what the Bible says on marriage, love, sex, commitment, etc.
A good site on the steps for conducting a marriage ceremony can be found below. I have a slight disagreement with the 2 step. Certain things a preacher must not do, even if the cultural beliefs of the couple stipulate otherwise. This site will also show you how to legally marry people.
Here are sermons (for gathering ideas') from faithful gospel preachers on weddings.
6. A preacher needs to be able to make a "sermon" funeral address. This details the man's life, who he was, where he was born, who he married, his family/children, his job and his friends. It will share some uplifting stories.
The funeral will share what the man did, in the context of the good he did. A funeral address will speak what the Bible says on life and death in matters of eternity. Like most church sermons, today, the time for a eulogy is geared for around 20 minutes. A good funeral address will mention the cross and close with the plan of salvation. A prayer can follow this. Then an invite can be given to people to come up, (if anyone is interested/inclined), to share stories or positive facts about the deceased.
See this site for the steps of a funeral service.
Here are sermons (for gathering ideas') from faithful gospel preachers on funerals.
7. A preacher needs to visit those in the church, who are sick and hospitalized. He needs to visit the elderly, the spiritually weak (Matthew 25:31-46). He needs to visit those who are not coming to church or those who have fallen away. Also, he should come over to see those who have visited the church.
How to do this: you call, ask if you can come over. If they say yes, you come. You can bring a card, flowers, some cookies, etc. depending on the context of the visit and the occasion. You don't have to stay too long. The point is to visit them and let them know you care. A visit and a talk can go a long way to encourage others.
8. A preacher should write others. He should encourage the church members to do this as well. A preacher should write cards and notes to the sick, the visitors, the discouraged, the spiritually weak and to those who have recently fallen away. (1 Thessalonians 5:11).
9. A preacher should be there when the church has a work day. As well as other church related actives. If elders are behind an effort the preacher should support their efforts. If a saint is doing work to benefit the church, as a leader and example, he should be there, (if possible) for moral support. If a member is having a singing, or having a group to visit the elderly, etc, as a leader/example, he should support God's people. When a preacher is missing during VBS, or at a potluck, or at a door knocking event for a gospel meeting, it says to the elders and to the church, he's not really invested emotionally in God's work or in "us." Obviously, a preacher can't be there for everyone, for every activity, all the time, but his attitude/heart needs to be focused on supporting, God's people, the spiritual leadership and the church.
10. A preacher must not seek power, practice politics or undermine others due to self interested aims and ambitions, (Philippians 2:3).
Such a person will end up undermining church work and God's people. And in the end may very well cause a division. A Christian preacher needs to be selfless in his leadership work, (in his pursuit of the gospel). Territorial behavior has no place in the house of God. Preachers should not let greed, fear, worry, or their personal doubts and insecurities, cause them to view a talented church member as a threat. I've seen this to often in the congregations of the Lord. When a preacher undermines a saint, simply because he thinks, the church member is "stealing his thunder" or "spotlight" that preacher is setting the wrong example. Leaders are supposed to mentor and nurture God's people, not undermine them.
11. A preacher should be at the building to open it and close it for worship services. He should be the first one people see. He should be the one people see when they arrive. He should be helping the elderly, greeting visitors, holding the door open and shaking hands. He should be one of the first to arrive and one of the last to leave. When a preacher is the last to arrive, right before church starts and is the first to go, it sends a signal to the congregation of his emotional investment level and interest. When the preacher is one of the first to arrive and last to go, it sends the opposite message. If a preacher is excited to be at the house of the Lord, he will not be the last to arrive on Sunday. A person's attitude is reflected by his attendance and when he attends. If the preacher is one of the first to run out the door on Sunday, how invested is he in the church famly he's apart of?
12. A preacher should be doing Bible studies at his house or another's home. This is useful in grounding the saints and in saving souls. Also, to help the young people of the church, a preacher should focus on singing's and short devotionals with the youth of that church.
Besides this, a preacher should focus on doing (general) hospitality. This is important, (1 Peter 4:9). Having a family over to the house after church for a meal or inviting a couple out to eat with you, builds bonds of affection.
13. As exemplars of Jesus and of trying to follow His Word: we need to do outreach, (Matthew 28:18-20). A preacher should be finding ways to grow the local and universal church. He should look for ways to reach the lost. This is what NT preachers did. And is what we must do too.
Evangelism ideas'...
Contacting visitors who are at church, invite them to a home cooked meal with family and a Bible study.
There is a wide range of methods to reach the lost: going door knocking, doing overseas work, working at "Street Preaching," learning "Friendship Evangelism" and more...
You can start promoting the truth online in Media/Social Media through Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.
Try different stuff. Find your niche. Find ways and methods that can reach others for the Lord in His work of helping the lost, (Jude 23).
14. A preacher needs to be open to constructive criticism and willing to take BIBLE advise, (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
15. A preacher needs to be willing to help and support the new convert spiritually. If a new Sister in Christ is sick, he needs to call her.
If she is in the hospital, he needs to visit. If she misses church, he needs to write her.
If the new convert, can't get a ride to church and her car is broken down, he needs to be willing to pick her up.
The preacher needs to study with the new Sister and ground her in the Word of God, (Hebrews 6:10).
I once knew of a preacher who called up a poor new convert with disabilities and told her to not come back. And forbade other Christians from bringing her to church. A preacher should be a person of compassion, love and have a selfless interest in others. (Ephesians 4:32).
16. A preacher needs to watch out for false teachers, preachers, brothers, who want to pervert the truth, (Acts 20:28-30). He must reprove false doctrine, but do this with love (Ephesians 4:14-15). A preacher must have zero tolerance for err, (Titus 1:13-14). If a false teacher refuses to stop speaking error and is trying to undermine the church and the saints, the faithful gospel preacher, must warn others of this (unrepentant) person, (2 Timothy 2:16-18).
The eldership needs to be notified and steps need to be taken to remove the false teacher from the body of Christ. The false brother must be disfellowshipped, (1 Corinthians 5:1-13). The more time passes the more the false teacher can influence members of the church towards his teachings and towards his favor. This process of removal must be done carefully, thoughtfully and quickly.
A preacher must hate evil, (Romans 12:9) and love the Word dearly, (Psalms 119:97). If he does, when the truth is defiled, (by false teaching) it will personally/emotionally hurt the godly man. The preacher must deal with such sins, in love. But he must take such sins seriously as well.
The faithful Bible preacher must not associate with brethren who teach error, (Romans 16:17-19). He must teach the saints to do this Bible command, too,
Note, when I say "false teachers," I am not talking about some ignorant thing a person says in Bible class or a "faux pas" a teacher might say, by mistake. I'm talking about deliberate, deceitful, habitual behavior a person does to undermine the truth.
17. A preacher needs to respect and submit to the local church leadership he is under. He needs to follow the eldership in the leadership decisions they make. He can't sneak around and try to undermine them, behind their backs. A preacher should not ignore their leadership and guidance, (Hebrews 13:17). It is our duty to treat such men with honor,
Note: I am not talking about elders who support false doctrine or evil behavior, but even in this, the matter should be up front and dealt with openly and maturely. Not with duplicitous behavior.